Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Trip to the Doctors & Some Exciting News Too

My 5 year old has been home sick from school for the past two days. It's the weirdest thing. She has been running a fever on and off since Sunday afternoon. But she is acting though nothing is wrong. She is her normal self....full of energy and hard to keep up with. So her school has this new policy, because of the H1N1 flu, if your child has had a fever they cannot go back to school until the fever has been gone for 24 hours. So Monday she woke up with a fever again so I kept her home from school and she was fine for most of the day. Then at 7 last night she spiked another fever!!! So according to the new policy she had to stay home from school today. So when she got up this morning she had NO FEVER!!! Ok so all we needed to do was make it till 7 Wednesday morning with no fever and she could go back to school. 7am because she gets on her bus at this time. And all was going well until about 10 this morning when she yet again spiked another fever. So I called her doctor's office and told them what was going on. And as soon as they heard the word fever they wanted to see her right away. So I took her in and had her checked out. So here's the diagnosis.... Since we are currently in an epidemic (the H1N1 flu) any child who comes in with a high fever is automatically told that it is the flu. Her doctor said that she has been 3 days with the fever so the Tamaflu (I think that is what it's called) is no longer an option to give her. He doesn't believe it is the H1N1 because she is not showing any signs of it other than the fever. So he told me she would be fine and to take her home and only give her Tylenol and to keep her home from school until she has gone for 24 hours without any symptoms. I don't know if I should be relieved that he said she was ok or worried because he didn't want to do a culture to rule out H1N1. We have been having trouble with this doctor lately so if her fever continues we will be more than likely spending the day at the ER tomorrow in order to get a second opinion. That flu is nothing to mess around with. And to add to it, we have been able to get the flu or the H1N1 flu shots because our doctors office has run out of them and is not sure when they will get any in.

So...onto my exciting news..... I participated in the Whimsy Stamps Stroll Through the Seasons Blog Hop and I won this reindeer stamp off of Ann's blog. Isn't it cute!
I also participated in the baby cards for Alison Acton. You can see the card I made here. I won these two Alison Acton stamps off of Aija's blog. I'm so excited. These are my very first Alison Acton stamps!!! Since my daughter was home sick from school yesterday when I found out that I had won them, I let her choose the two stamps she liked the most and these are the two she picked:

And I won some surprise candy from Marianne. When I get this one I will post it so you can all see what she sends my way.

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